Profile Feature – Mrs Yemi Famori

Yemi Famori

In this newsletter, we meet the Gas Subcommittee Chairperson, Mrs Yemi Famori of Shell.

1. Introduce yourself and tell us about your journey to OPTS

I joined Shell in 2001 and have my career in the upstream working in both Deep Water and Onshore. I started out as a production engineer and well engineer in the Gulf of Mexico, then made my way into Shell’s US Shales business ultimately becoming the Operations Engineering Manager for the Permian Asset. Most recently I was the Business Advisor to Shell’s Upstream Director based out of The Hague. I joined the SPDC Commercial organization in 2018 as the Gas Portfolio Manager where I’m responsible for driving the gas strategy and creating a credible and profitable domestic gas market in Nigeria and sustaining/growing the profitable export market. I hold B.SC. in Chemical engineering and a M.B.A. in Management.

2. Introduce your subcom and its importance within the industry

The Gas subcom aims to proactively anticipate emerging gas subjects in order to engage and actively advocate to protect industry interests

3. What has been most rewarding about your role?

The opportunity to pull together a diverse group of OPTS member companies to align around unified positions on various issues, thus enabling advocacy in one voice.

4. What is most challenging about your role?

Ensuring we get active participation and involvement from the broad spectrum of member companies.

5. Tell us about your major accomplishments as the subcom lead

It’s still early days and lots of work to do.

6. Share something about yourself that nobody in your Subcom knows about you.

I started out as a Dental student before deciding to change career path

7. How do you keep a healthy work/life balance?

I enjoy time with my husband and two kids. I also try to exercise three times a week (“try’’ being the operative word).

8. What is your philosophy on life?

I believe anything worth doing is worth doing well. I work hard on the things I can control and try to influence the things I can’t but ultimately trust that God has a higher purpose for me.

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